The garden at Number 36 is the old pub car park and beer garden - now terraced and landscaped, but still surrounded by the ancient stone wall that’s probably several hundred years older than the house. We pack in a lot in here - fruit trees, flower beds, various crops at different times of the year, and a greenhouse that Bash invariably tries to grow too much in.
You’ll have access to the garden at all times, and it’s where you’re most likely to see Gem and Bash as we battle the bind weed and trim our dahlias - or just relax outside with our lunch.
If you’re bringing a dog on your visit, be aware that the garden isn’t fully enclosed, and we’ve got a couple of cats so you’ll need to keep the dog on a lead or under supervision.
There’s always herbs growing in the garden you can help yourself to - and depending on the time of year and what’s in season, we’ll often offer your some of our home-grown fruit and veg.
The garden is a work in progress - what garden isn’t? We’re learning to deal with the hotter summers and shifted seasons, which means there’s always digging to be done, and wildlife to be encouraged and helped.